Having a wall-mounted hay feeder for our rescue flock gives us peace of mind that their hay is kept off the ground and they are eating dry, clean hay which is much better for their health than hay that has been trampled and fouled on, an inevitable consequence of hay that’s distributed on the ground.
They can be attached to the side of a stable, shed or to a brick wall.
H 64cm, W 99cm, D 50cm
Having a wall-mounted hay feeder for our rescue flock gives us peace of mind that their hay is kept off the ground and they are eating dry, clean hay which is much better for their health than hay that has been trampled and fouled on, an inevitable consequence of hay that’s distributed on the ground.
They can be attached to the side of a stable, shed or to a brick wall.
H 64cm, W 99cm, D 50cm
Having a wall-mounted hay feeder for our rescue flock gives us peace of mind that their hay is kept off the ground and they are eating dry, clean hay which is much better for their health than hay that has been trampled and fouled on, an inevitable consequence of hay that’s distributed on the ground.
They can be attached to the side of a stable, shed or to a brick wall.
H 64cm, W 99cm, D 50cm